81). LABEL = Edit a disk label... |
(EXPLAIN - LABEL) Edit a disk label. Syntax LABEL [drive:][label] The disk label is never referred to by other batch commands, it's just for human recognition. e.g. as a reminder of which floppy disk is actually in the machine. The maximum length is 11 characters (spaces allowed) This is not to be confused with the drive description held in the registry. Example LABEL A: My work disk |
82). LOCAL = Display membership of local groups... |
(EXPLAIN - LOCAL) Display membership of local groups on remote servers or remote domains. Syntax LOCAL group_name domain_name | \\server Key group_name The local group. domain_name A network domain. server A network server. Examples: Local "Power Users" Scotland Displays the members of the group 'Power Users' in the Scotland domain. Local Administrators \\9G_Server Displays the members of the group Administrators on server 9G_Server. |
83). LOGEVENT = Write text to the NT event viewer... |
(EXPLAIN - LOGEVENT) Write text to the event log (event viewer) Syntax logevent [-m \\MachineName] [options] "Event Text" Options -s Severity one of (S)uccess (I)nformation (W)arning (E)rror (F)ailure -c Category A Number between 0 and 65536 This can be used to Filter the event log view (default = "none") |
84). LOGMAN = Manage Performance Monitor... |
(EXPLAIN - LOGMAN.exe) Manage Performance Monitor & performance logs from the command line. Syntax logman [create|query|start|stop|delete|update|import|export] [options] Verbs: create Create a new data collector. query Query data collector properties. If no name is given all data collectors are listed. start Start an existing data collector and set the begin time to manual. stop Stop an existing data collector and set the end time to manual. delete Delete an existing data collector. update Update an existing data collector's properties. import Import a data collector set from an XML file. export Export a data collector set to an XML file. Adverbs: counter Create a counter data collector. trace Create a trace data collector. alert Create an alert data collector. cfg Create a configuration data collector. providers Show registered providers. Options (counter): -c path [path [...]] The performance counters to collect. To collect remotely, prefix with the \\machine name. -cf filename File listing performance counters to collect,one per line. -f {bin|bincirc|csv|tsv|sql} The log format for the data collector. For SQL database format, you must use the -o option in the command line with the DNS!log option. The defaults is binary. -sc value Maximum number of samples to collect with a performance counter data collector. -si [[hh:]mm:]ss Sample interval for performance counter data collectors. Options (trace): -f {bin|bincirc|csv|tsv|sql} The log format for the data collector. For SQL database format, you must use the -o option in the command line with the DNS!log option. The defaults is binary. -mode trace_mode Event Trace Session logger mode. -ct {perf|system|cycle} The clock resolution to use when logging the time stamp for each event: query performance counter, system time, or CPU cycle. -ln logger_name Logger name for Event Trace Sessions. -ft [[hh:]mm:]ss Event Trace Session flush timer. -[-]p provider [flags [level]] A single Event Trace provider to enable. The terms 'Flags' and 'Keywords' are synonymous in this context. -pf filename File listing multiple Event Trace providers to enable. -[-]rt Run the Event Trace Session in real-time mode. -[-]ul Run the Event Trace Session in user mode. -bs value Event Trace Session buffer size in kb. -nb min max Number of Event Trace Session buffers. Options (alert): -[-]el Enable/Disable event log reporting. -th threshold [threshold [...]] Specify counters and a threshold values for an alert. -[-]rdcs name Data collector set to start when alert fires. -[-]tn task Task to run when alert fires. -[-]targ argument Task arguments. -si [[hh:]mm:]ss Sample interval for performance counter data collectors. Options (cfg): -[-]ni Enable/Disable network interface query. -reg path [path [...]] Registry values to collect. -mgt query [query [...]] WMI objects to collect. -ftc path [path [...]] Full path to the files to collect. Options: -? Display context sensitive help. -s computer Perform the command on specified remote system. -config filename Settings file containing command options. [-n] name Name of the target object. -pid pid Process identifier. -xml filename Name of the XML file to import or export. -as Perform the requested operation asynchronously. -[-]u user [password] User to Run As. Entering a * for the password produces a prompt The interactive password is not displayed on screen. -m [start] [stop] Change to manual start or stop instead of a scheduled begin or end time. -rf [[hh:]mm:]ss Run the data collector for the specified period of time. -b dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss[AM|PM] Begin the data collector at specified time. -e dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss[AM|PM] End the data collector at specified time. -[-]r Repeat the data collector daily at the specified begin and end times. -o {path|dsn!log} Path of the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database. The default path is '%systemdrive%\PerfLogs\Admin'. -[-]a Append to an existing log file. -[-]ow Overwrite an existing log file. -[-]v {nnnnnn | mmddhhmm} Attach file versioning information to the end of the log name. -[-]rc task Run the command specified each time the log is closed. -[-]max value Maximum log file size in MB or number of records for SQL logs. -[-]cnf [[hh:]mm:]ss Create a new file when the specified time has elapsed or when the max size is exceeded. -y Answer yes to all questions without prompting. -fd Flush all the active buffers of an existing Event Trace Session to disk. -ets Send commands to Event Trace Sessions directly without saving or scheduling. Note: Where [-] is listed, an extra - negates the option. For example --u turns off the -u option. This page describes the Windows 7/2008 version of Logman, the XP version only supports the Counter and Trace Adverbs (no Alerts/thresholds). Examples: Create a counter to Log the % Processor Time on the local machine: C:\> set _mycounters="\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" C:\> set _mylogfile=C:\docs\ss64.blg C:\> Logman.exe create counter ss64-CPU -f bincirc -v mmddhhmm -max 250 -c %_mycounters% -o %_mylogfile% Start the counter running (and then run whatever other process you wish to monitor): C:\> Logman.exe start ss64-CPU Stop the counter C:\> Logman.exe stop ss64-CPU The above creates a file like C:\docs\ss64_09031235.blg To convert this to text/CSV format: C:\> relog C:\docs\ss64_09031235.blg -f csv -o proc_time.csv -t 2 We can now delete the counter (unless intending to reuse it again) C:\> Logman.exe delete ss64-CPU More examples: logman start perf_log logman update perf_log -si 10 -f csv -v mmddhhmm logman create counter perf_log -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" logman create counter perf_log -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -max 10 -rf 01:00 logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile logman create alert new_alert -th "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time>50" logman create cfg cfg_log -reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\\" logman create cfg cfg_log -mgt "root\cimv2:SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" logman query providers logman query providers Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Networking logman start process_trace -p Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process 0x10 win:Informational -ets logman start process_trace -p Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process -mode newfile -max 1 -o output%d.etl -ets logman start usermode_trace -p "Service Control Manager Trace" -ul -ets logman query usermode_trace -p "Service Control Manager Trace" -ul -ets logman stop usermode_trace -p "Service Control Manager Trace" -ul -ets logman start "NT Kernel Logger" -o log.etl -ets logman start "NT Kernel Logger" -p "Windows Kernel Trace" (process,thread) -ets |
85). LOGOFF = Log a user off... |
(EXPLAIN - LOGOFF.exe) Log a user off. Syntax LOGOFF [/f] [/n] Key /f Force running processes to close, but will ask for user confirmation. The user will not be asked to save unsaved data. /n Force running processes to close without confirmation. The user will be prompted to save unsaved data. By default LOGOFF will ask for user confirmation and prompt to save unsaved data. Windows security log events Logon Event IDs 528 and 540 = successful logon Logoff Event ID 538 = logoff Logon and logoff events also specify a Logon Type code: Logon Type 2 – Interactive - Log on at the local keyboard / screen (see the event description for a computer name). Logon Type 3 – Network - connections to shared folders or printers, over-the-network logons, IIS logons( but not basic authentication) Logon Type 4 – Batch - The Scheduled Task service creates a new logon session for each task. Logon Type 5 – Service - Each service is configured to run as a specified user account. Logon Type 7 – Unlock- a password protected screen saver. Logon Type 8 – NetworkCleartext - a network logon like logon type 3 but where the password was sent over the network in clear text. Logon Type 9 – NewCredentials - If you use RunAs /netonly and records the logon event with logon type 2. Logon Type 10 – RemoteInteractive - Terminal Services, Remote Desktop or Remote Assistance. Logon Type 11 – CachedInteractive - mobile users not connected to the network connecting with cached credentials. |
86). LOGTIME = Log the date and time in a file... |
(EXPLAIN - LOGTIME.exe) Create logtime.txt and adds the date, time and a message Syntax LOGTIME text_string Key text_string : The message to add to the log file. The date is stored in the US mm/dd/yy format (NT 4.0) Sample batch file: LOGTIME "begin import program" import.exe LOGTIME "end import program" An alternative command is ECHO. | DATE | FIND /i "current">>C:\Install_log.txt |
87). MAPISEND = Send email from the command line... |
(EXPLAIN - MAPISEND) Send email from the command line. Syntax MAPISEND -u "profile" -p password -r recipient -s "subject" -m text message [options] MAPISEND -u "profile" -p password -r recipient -s "subject" -t text_file [options] options -i interactive login (prompts for profile and password) -c cc: list -f File Attachment - path and file name(s) -v generates verbose output (an 8 line summary of the message) "profile" is the profile name (user mailbox) of sender "subject" is the subject line "recipient" is one or more recipient(s) If more than one recipient - separate with ';' these must not be ambiguous in the default address book. Mapisend requires MAPI - i.e the MS Outlook client needs to be installed. Examples mapisend -u "MS Exchange Settings" -p MyPassword -r -s "Subject" -m "Test message text" mapisend -u "MS Exchange Settings" -p MyPassword -r -s "Subject" -t c:\MyMail.txt >> c:\mail.log |
88). MBSAcli = Baseline Security Analyzer... |
(EXPLAIN - MBSACLI) Baseline Security Analyzer. Syntax mbsacli [/c|/i|/r|/d domainname|ipaddress|ipaddressrange] [/n option] [/sus SUS server|SUS filename] [/s level] [/nosum] [/nvc] [/o filename] [/e] [/l] [/ls] [/lr report name] [/ld report name] [/v] [/?] [/qp] [/qe] [/qr] [/q] [/f] [/unicode] Options The Computer to Scan: no option - Scan the local computer. /c domainname\computername - Scan the named computer. /i - Scan the specified IP address. /r - - Scan the specified range of IP addresses. /d domainname - Scan the named domain. Items NOT to update /n IIS - Skip IIS checks. /n OS - Skip Windows operating system, IE, Office and Outlook checks. /n Password - Skip password checks. /n SQL - Skip SQL checks. /n Updates - Skip security update checks. The above can be combined, for example: /n OS + IIS + Updates - skip IIS, Windows, and security update checks. Security Update Scan Options /sus SUS server | SUS filename - Check only for security updates that are approved at the specified SUS server, or at the file path of the Approveditems.txt file. e.g. http://server or http://server/Approveditems.txt. If neither is specified, the value will default from the registry (set via Group Policy) /s 1 - Suppress security update check note messages. /s 2 - Suppress security update check note and warning messages. /s 3 - Suppress warnings except for service packs. /nosum - Security update checks will not test file checksums. Output File Name /o filename By default, the output filename uses the format "domain - computername (date)" Display the Results /e - List the errors from the latest scan. /l - List all the reports that are available. /ls - List the reports from the latest scan. /lr report name - Display an overview report. /ld report name - Display a detailed report. /v - Display security update reason codes. Miscellaneous Options /? - Usage help. /qp - Do not display progress. /qe - Do not display error list. /qr - Do not display report list. /q - Do not display progress, error list, or report list. /f - Redirect the output to a file. /unicode - Generate unicode output, useful for Japanese versions of Windows. Early versions of this command were known as HFNETCHK, written by shavlik technologies and supplied by Microsoft. |
89). MEM = Display memory usage... |
(EXPLAIN - MEM) Display memory usage. Syntax MEM MEM /C MEM /D MEM /P Key /P List programs in memory with the memory address and size of each /D List Programs(as /P) and also Devices /C List programs in conventional memory and list programs in upper memory MEM will only display details about the current CMD shell environment, programs running in a separate shell (or WIN32 programs) will not be listed - so it won't tell you anything about total memory usage. |
90). MD = Create new folders... |
(EXPLAIN - MD) Make Directory - Creates a new folder. Syntax MD [drive:]path Key The path can consist of any valid characters up to the maximum path length available You should avoid using the following characters in folder names - they are known to cause problems © ® " - & ' ^ ( ) and @ also many extended characters may not be recognised by older 16 bit windows applications. The maximum length of a full pathname (folders and filename) under NTFS or FAT is 260 characters. Folder names are not case sensitive, but only folder names longer than 8 characters will always retain their case, as typed. For Example C:\temp> MD MyFolder Make several folders with one command C:\temp> MD Alpha Beta Gamma will create C:\temp\Alpha\ C:\temp\Beta\ C:\temp\Gamma\ Make an entire path MD creates any intermediate directories in the path, if needed. For example, assuming \utils does not exist then: MD \utils\downloads\Editor is the same as: md \utils cd \utils md downloads cd downloads md Editor for long filenames include quotes MD "\utils\downloads\Super New Editor" You cannot create a folder with the same name as any of the following devices: CON, PRN, LPT1, LPT2 ..LPT9, COM1, COM2 ..COM9 This limitation ensures that redirection to these devices will always work. If you plan to copy data onto CDROM avoid folder trees more than 8 folders deep MKDIR is a synonym for MD |
91). MKLINK = Create a symbolic link (linkd)... |
(EXPLAIN - MKLink (Vista) or LinkD) Create a symbolic link to a directory or a file. Syntax MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target LINKD Link [/D] Target Key: /H Create a hard link instead of a symbolic link. /J Create a Directory Junction. Link The new symbolic link name. Target The path (relative or absolute) that the new link refers to. /D MKLINK /D will create a Directory symbolic link. (default is file) LINKD /D will delete Link, regardless of whether a link exists To display the target name targeted by a Link run: LINKD Link. The Target for LinkD may be a destination directory or a Windows 2000 device or any valid Windows 2000 name. By default, only administrators can create symbolic links. It is possible (but not advisable) to create links that point to each other in a loop, or a link that targets itself. Deleting a Symbolic Link does not delete the contents of the target folder! (unlike Hard Junction links) Symbolic links can span volumes and can use UNC paths. Examples: C:\>MKlink ss64 C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe C:\>Dir C:\>Del ss64 C:\>MKlink /D ss64folder C:\Windows C:\>Dir C:\>RD ss64folder |
92). MODE Configure a system device... |
(EXPLAIN - MODE) Mode is an all purpose configuration command, used without parameters, MODE displays the status of all devices installed on your system. Devices Show the status of all devices: (Typically COM1, COM2, LPT1, CON) MODE Show the status of a specific device: MODE [device] To additionally show the status of any redirected parallel printer: MODE [device] [/STATUS] CMD Prompt window size Change the CMD prompt screen size/buffer Number of cols(characters) wide and Number of lines deep MODE CON[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=n] Keyboard Set the keyboard typematic rate, the rate at which a character is repeated when you hold down the key. MODE CON[:] [RATE=r DELAY=d] Printing To redirect output from a parallel port (PRN, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3) to a serial port(COM1, COM2, COM3, etc). You must be a member of the Administrators group to redirect printing. To configure a parallel printer port (PRN, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3): MODE LPTn[:]=COMm[:] To setup the parameters for a serial port (* see Start, Help, Commands for more on this). MODE COMm [options*] Configure a printer connected to a parallel printer port. mode LPTn[:] [c][,[l][,r]] mode LPTn[:] [cols=c] [lines=l] This allows you to configure a line printer connected to a parallel printer port. International Settings Change the current code page: MODE CON[:] CP SELECT=yyy Display the current Code page: MODE CON[:] CP [/STATUS] Examples: MODE CON:cols=80 lines=25 |
93). MORE = Display output, one screen at a time... |
(EXPLAIN - MORE) Display output one screen at a time. MORE can be used to run any executable command (or batch file) and pause the screen output one screen at a time. MORE can also be used to TYPE the contents of any file to the screen. Syntax command | MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]] MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]] < Pathname MORE /E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n] [Pathname(s)] Key command : Any executable command or batch file Pathname : The file to be displayed. (if more than one separate with spaces) /E : Enable extended features /E /C : Clear screen before displaying page /E /P : Expand FormFeed characters /E /S : Squeeze multiple blank lines into a single line /E /Tn : Expand tabs to n spaces (default 8) /E +n : Start displaying the first file at line n You can create an environment variable called %MORE% and use this to supply any of the above switches. When MORE is used without any redirection symbols it will display the % complete e.g. MORE /E myfile.txt --More (17%) -- If extended features are enabled, (/E) the following keystrokes can be used at the -- More -- prompt: Q Quit P n Display next n lines S n Skip next n lines F Display next file = Show line number ? Show help line |
94). MOUNTVOL = Manage a volume mount point... |
(EXPLAIN - MOUNTVOL (Windows 2000/2003/Server 2008)) Link volumes without requiring a drive letter. Create, delete or list a volume mount point. NTFS junction mount points can only be used with local NTFS directories, (unlike DFS junction points which will target a network share). MOUNTVOL can be found on the Windows CD i386 folder. Syntax MOUNTVOL [drive:]path option Options path : An existing NTFS folder where the mount point will reside. VolName : The volume name that is the target of the mount point. In the form \\?\Volume{GUID}\, where {GUID} is a globally unique identifier e.g. \\?\Volume\{2eca078d-5cbc-43d3-aff8-7e8511f60d0e}\ /D : Remove the volume mount point from the specified folder. /E : Re-enable automatic mounting of new basic volumes (2003 and above). /L : List the mounted volume name for the specified folder. /s : Itanium-based computers only. Mount the EFI System Partition on the specified drive. /p : Remove the volume mount point from the specified directory, dismount the basic volume, and take the basic volume offline, making it unmountable. (Server 2008) /r : Remove volume mount point directories and registry settings for volumes that are no longer in the system,this prevents them from being automatically mounted and given their former volume mount point(s) when added back to the system.(Server 2008) /n : Disable automatic mounting of new basic volumes.(Server 2008) New volumes are not mounted automatically when added to the system. The GUID is used to identify a unique volume even if the drive letter changes. If other processes are using the volume, mountvol closes any open handles before dismounting the volume. Volumes that are dismounted by using /p are listed in the volumes list as "NOT MOUNTED UNTIL A VOLUME MOUNT POINT IS CREATED." If the volume has more than one mount point, use /d to remove the additional mount points before using /p. You can make the basic volume mountable again by assigning a volume mount point. If you need to expand your volume space without reformatting or replacing a hard drive, you can add a mount path to another volume. The benefit of using one volume with several mount paths is that you can access all local volumes by using a single drive letter (such as C:). You do not need to remember which volume corresponds to which drive letter—although you can still mount local volumes and assign them drive letters. When using junction points: • Use NTFS ACLs to protect junction points from inadvertent deletion. • Use NTFS ACLs to protect files and directories that are targeted by junction points from inadvertent deletion or other file system operations. • Never delete a junction point by using Explorer, a del /s command, or other file system utilities that walk recursively into directory trees. These utilities affect the target directory and all subdirectories. • Use caution when you apply ACLs or change file compression in a directory tree that includes NTFS junction points. • Do not create namespace cycles with NTFS or DFS junction points. • Put all your junction points in a secure location in a namespace where you can test them out in safety, and where other users will not mistakenly delete them or walk through them. Examples List the available volumes on your system (this will list the GUIDs) C:\> mountvol Create a mount point called ss64 C:\> md ss64 C:\> mountvol ss64 \\?\Volume\{2eca078d-5cbc-43d3-aff8-7e8511f60d0e}\ Delete the mount point C:\> mountvol \\?\Volume\{2eca078d-5cbc-43d3-aff8-7e8511f60d0e}\ /d |
95). MOVE = Move files from one folder to another... |
(EXPLAIN - MOVE) Move a file from one folder to another Syntax MOVE [options] [Source] [Target] Key source : The path and filename of the file(s) to move. target : The path and filename to move file(s) to. options: /Y Suppress confirmation prompt. /-Y Enable confirmation prompt. Both Source and Target may be either a folder or a single file. The source may include wildcards (but not the destination). Under Windows 2000 and above, the default action is to prompt on overwrites unless the command is being executed from within a batch script. To force the overwriting of destination files use the COPYCMD environment variable: SET COPYCMD=/Y Using the COPYCMD variable has the advantage that the command will still work in early versions of windows (e.g. NT4) which don't support the /Y option (they overwrite by default). Examples: In the current folder MOVE oldfile.wp newfile.doc Full path specified MOVE g:\department\oldfile.wp "c:\Files to Convert\newfile.doc" Specify the drive and filename (assumes the current folder on both drives is correct) MOVE a:oldfile.wp c:newfile.doc Specify source only (will copy the file to current folder, keeping the same filename) MOVE g:\department\oldfile.wp Quiet move (no feedback on screen) MOVE oldfile.wp newfile.doc >nul |
96). MOVEUSER = Move a user from one domain to another... |
(EXPLAIN - MOVEUSER.exe) Move a local user account into a domain or move a user account between machines. Syntax MOVEUSER [DOMAIN/]user1 [DOMAIN/]user2 [/c:computer] [/k] [/y] Key: user1 The existing user (who has a local profile) Specify domain users in 'DOMAIN/user' format or just 'user' for a local account. user2 The user acount that will inherit the user1 profile. This account must already exist. Specify domain users in DOMAIN/user format specify only user for local accounts. /c:computer The computer on which to make the changes. /k Keep user account user1 (only applies to local users) /y Overwrite an existing profile for user2. To use MOVEUSER, you must be logged in with admin rights to create and modify user accounts on both the source and target machine. Examples MOVEUSER fred MyDomain\newfred Or if the account 'fred' is on the remote PC called 'wks0123' MOVEUSER fred MyDomain\newfred /c:\\wks0123 |
97). MSG = Send a message... |
(EXPLAIN - MSG.exe) Send a pop-up message to a user. The 'Home' editions of Windows don’t include MSG. Syntax MSG username [options] [message] MSG sessionname [options] [message] MSG sessionid [options] [message] MSG @filename [options] [message] MSG * [options] [message] Options /SERVER:servername The server to contact (default is current). /TIME:seconds Time delay to wait for receiver to acknowledge msg. /V Verbose, display extra information. /W Wait for response from user, useful with /V. If no message text to send is specified, MSG will prompt for it (also reads from stdin) @filename identifies a file containing a list of usernames, sessionnames or sessionids to send the message to. * will send the message to all sessions on the server. e.g. use this for Terminal Server/Citrix shutdown messages. |
98). MSIEXEC = Microsoft Windows Installer... |
(EXPLAIN - MSIEXEC) Microsoft Windows Installer. Syntax Install MSIEXEC /i package options Uninstall MSIEXEC /x package options Advertise to current user MSIEXEC /ju package options [/t Transform_List | /g LanguageID] Advertise to all users MSIEXEC /jm package options [/t Transform_List | /g LanguageID] Administrative install - install on the network. MSIEXEC /a package Apply a patch to an installed Admin image MSIEXEC /p patchPKG /a package Options: /fp fix - replace missing files /fo fix - replace Older files /fe fix - replace older or Equal date files /fd fix - replace Different version files /fc fix - replace files based on Checksum differences /fa fix - replace All files /fu fix - rewrite HKCU registry /fm fix - rewrite HKLM registry /fs fix - recreate shortcuts /fv fix - rewrite local cache from source /l* Logfile Log Everything (not Verbose) /l*v Logfile Log Everything Verbose /lv Logfile Log Verbose /le Logfile Log All error messages /lw Logfile Log Non-fatal warnings /li Logfile Log Status messages /la Logfile Log Startup actions /lr Logfile Log Actions /lu Logfile Log User requests /lc Logfile Log User Interface (UI) parameters /lm Logfile Log memory use /lp Logfile Log Terminal properties /l+ Logfile Append to an existing log file. /l! Logfile Clear an existing log file. /q , /qn No UI. /qb Basic UI. /qb! Basic UI with no cancel button. /qr Reduced UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the install. /qf Full UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the install. /qn+ No UI. However, a modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the installation. /qb+ Basic UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the installation. If you cancel the installation, a modal dialog box is not displayed. /qb- Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. /y module Register a DLL - only use for registry information that cannot be added using the registry tables of the .msi file. /z module UnRegister a DLL - only use for registry information that cannot be removed using the registry tables of the .msi file. Windows installer versions Windows NT can support version 1.1 or version 1.2 Windows 2K includes version 1.1 Windows XP Sp1 /Server 2003 include version 2.0 Windows XP SP2 includes version 3.0 Updates to msiexec can be downloaded from MSDN. DO NOT use the domain controller Sysvol folder as a Windows Installer installation point, doing so may result in the following error when you attempt to run the Windows Installer (.msi) package: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. This is because the Sysvol folder is created with the SHI1005_FLAGS_RESTRICT_EXCLUSIVE_OPENS attribute, which prevents it from being exclusively locked by Windows Installer. Having locked files on a SYSVOL would create Active Directory directory service synchronization problems |
99). MSINFO = Windows NT diagnostics... |
(EXPLAIN - (MSINFO32 (Windows 2000 or MS Office) Windows NT diagnostics Reports: Memory use, Drivers, DLL versions, Audio,Video and Print settings. Syntax MSinfo32 Options /c List the version, date, and build of each DLL in a user-specified folder and determine whether it's loaded in memory. /msinfo_file Open the specified .nfo or .cab file /nfo or /s Output an .nfo file with the specified file name /report Output a text file /computer Get details from a remote computer /categories Display or output the specified categories /category Set focus to a specific category at startup The GUI interface will open if no options are specified. Example: msinfo32 /c [My DLL's] c:\mydir Note that early versions of MSinfo do not support all the switches listed above. MSinfo is typically started from Help,About rather than the command line, if not in the system path, MS info can usually be found in: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo Note that generation of the text file can take some time, depending on the complexity of the system. If you have problems getting MSInfo to run, check permissions on the following key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSInfo\ Under the W2K command-line you can run WINMSD /? rather than Msinfo32 /? |
100). MSTSC = Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)... |
(EXPLAIN - MSTSC) Terminal Server Connection, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Syntax MSTSC option MSTSC /Edit"ConnectionFile" MSTSC /migrate Options ConnectionFile The name of an RDP file for connection /v: /console Connect to the console of a server (NT/XP) /Admin Connect to a session for administering the server(Vista/2008) /f Start in Full Screen mode /w:width Width of the RDP screen /h:height Height of the RDP screen /span Match the Remote Desktop width and height with the local virtual desktop, spanning across multiple monitors if necessary.(Vista/2008) /public Run Remote Desktop in public mode. (Vista/2008) In public mode, passwords and bitmaps are not cached. /edit Open the RDP file for editing. /migrate Convert a legacy Client connection file into an .RDP file The /console option only works when connecting to an Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 computer. When connected to a remote desktop, the key combination Ctrl-Alt-END will send Ctrl-Alt-Del to the remote client. Examples: MSTSC /v:MyServer /f /console MSTSC /v: /w:1024 /h:768 MSTSC /v:MyServer /w:800 /h:600 MSTSC /edit filename.rdp On the Windows XP CD, under \SUPPORT\TOOLS you'll find MSRDPCLI.exe. This is the setup for use with 9.x/2000 machines. |
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